Sunday 24 February 2013

A Great Blog Site

Its not often you find a blog this interesting .... its called The Slog

Check it out. You will not be disappointed.

Thursday 1 November 2012

A Great Irish Folk Song

Rubber Bandits

Going to Ireland

For the first time in my life, this year, I have gone to Ireland. Tralee to be precise, with a smattering of Cork and Charleville thrown in. What a great place. I love the place and its idiosyncracities. It never fails to surprise me, with the ostentatious housing thrown up in the times of easy money, the pubs that are nearly always named after the proprietor like 'Sean's drinking establishment', the Castles .... yes I have kissed the Blarney stone! and the lack of Stella. But most of all I have discovered what is known as the Craic.

Now here is a question ..... my job may be moving to Dublin in a year or so's time. What do I do? Stay in the UK or go? Time will tell ...........


Working in Mexico

Working in Cuidad del Carmen, Mexico, I had to go and meet someone in Cancun. I decided to drive, 12 hours in total to get there.

Cuidad del Carmen is an island Cuidad del Carmen, and you get to it by boat, plane or car, but only by a toll bridge either end of the island.

I set off, up the bridge, paid the toll and drove for 2 hours along small windy roads towards Veracruz. I stopped for petrol. I asked how far away Cancun was in my best pidgeon Spanish, the guy smiled and pointed the way I had come.

4 hours later I was back where I started.